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发布者: [发表时间]:2019-01-15 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

姓名:纪志坚(山东省杰青学者)      邮箱:jizhijian@qdu.edu.cn


纪志坚, 男, 1973 年生, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 山东省杰出青年科学基金获得者, 山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家。1998 年硕士毕业于中国海洋大学,2005 年博士毕业于北京大学。先后出访过加拿大阿尔

伯塔大学、美国圣母大学、英国布鲁内耳大学、香港城市大学、新加坡国立大学等国内外知名高校。是中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会委员, 国家自然科学基金的特约评审员, 是首界国家优秀青年基金的会议评审专家。研究方向为多智能体网络系统、切换系统、多机器人系统的分布式协调控制, 复杂网络的分析与控制等。是国内外二十多个期刊及会议的编委和审稿人, 获得了国际控制界权威期刊《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》授予的2012年杰出评审人称号, 2006 年入围中国控制界的重要奖项《关肇直奖》。自2007 年以来先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4 项; 主持山东省杰出青年科学基金项目1 项; 于2008 年得到了香港王宽诚教育基金的资助。发表SCI 和EI 收录论文110 余篇。



Zhijian Ji, and Haisheng Yu. A new perspective to graphical characterization of multi-agent controllability, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 47(6): 1471-1483, 2017

Zhijian Ji, Hai Lin, and Haisheng Yu. Protocols design and uncontrollable topologies construction for multi-agent networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2015, 60(3) :781-786.

Lei Tian, Zhijian Ji, Ting Hou, and Kaien Liu, Bipartite consensus on coopetition networks with time-varying delays, IEEE Access, 6(1): 10169-10178, Feb. 2018

Jijun Qu, Zhijian Ji, Chong Lin, and Haisheng Yu. Fast consensus seeking on networks with antagonistic interactions, Complexity, Volume 2018, Article ID 7831317, 15 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/7831317

Shuai Liu, Zhijian Ji, Haisheng Yu, and Ting Hou. LQR based optimal topology of hybrid-weighted multi-agent systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018, Aricle

ID 5269542, 14 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5269542 (SCI-35, IF: 1.145)

Xianzhu Liu, Zhijian Ji, and Ting Hou. Stabilization of heterogeneous multi-agent systems via harmonic control, Complexity, Volume 2018, Article ID 8265637, 9 pages, http-s://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8265637

Lei Tian, Zhijian Ji, Ting Hou, and Haisheng Yu, Bipartite consensus of edge dynamics on coopetition multi-agent systems, SCIENCE CHINA: Information Sciences, 2018, DOI:10.1007/s11432-018-9533-3

Xianzhu Liu, Zhijian Ji, and Ting Hou, Graph partitions and the controllability of directed signed networks, SCIENCE CHINA: Information Sciences, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11432-018-9450-8

Yongqiang Guan, Zhijian Ji, Lin Zhang, Long Wang, Decentralized stabilizability of multi-agent systems under fixed and switching topologies, Systems & Control Letters (IF: 1.886),

vol.62, no.5, 2013, pp.438-446

Kaien Liu, Zhijian Ji, and Wei Ren. Necessary and sufficient conditions for consensus of second-order multi-agent systems under directed topologies without global gain dependency, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 47(8): 2089-2098, 2017

Xianzhu Liu, and Zhijian Ji_. Controllability of multi-agent systems based on path and cycle graphs, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28(1): 296-309, 2018.

Yongqiang Guan, Zhijian Ji, Lin Zhang, and Long Wang, Controllability of multi-agent systems under directed topology, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 27(18): 4333-4347, 9 MAR 2017, DOI: 10.1002/rnc.3798

Kaien Liu, and Zhijian Ji. Consensus of multi-agent systems with time delay based on periodic sample and event hybrid control, Neurocomputing, 270: 11-17, 2017

Yongcui Chao, and Zhijian Ji. Necessary and su_cient conditions for multi-agent controllability of path and star topologies by exploring the information of second-order neighbors, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, July 15, 2016,DOI:10.1093/imamci/dnw013

Kaien Liu, Zhijian Ji, Guangming Xie, and Ruiping Xu, Event-based broadcasting containment control for multi-agent systems under directed topology, International Journal of Control, 89(11): 2360-2370, Feb. 2016.

Yongqiang Guan, Zhijian Ji, Lin Zhang and Long Wang. Controllability of heterogeneous multi-agent systems under directed and weighted topology. International Journal of Control. 89(5):1009-1024, 2016

Kaien Liu_, Zhijian Ji_, Guangming Xie, and Long Wang. Consensus for heterogeneous multi-agent systems under fixed and switching topologies, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, 352(9): 3670{3683.

Yongqiang Guan, Zhijian Ji, Lin Zhang, and Long Wang. Quadratic stabilisability of multi-agent systems under switching topologies, International Journal of Control. 2014, 87(12): 2657-2668.



2019.01-2022.12   国家自然科学基金面上项目


2014.01-2017.12   国家自然科学基金面上项目


2014.12-2017.12   山东省杰出青年科学基金 

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